Tuesday 29 September 2009

Sunday 27 September 2009

Second Collage

Our first collage didn’t really still show fully the world of our film. So we were told to change it. We decided to make sure that we tried to portray the themes of the film and what the characters are about. So we took some images and words that really stood out on our first collage and then went back to our magazines and internet and found some more images that could really describe the world of our film. We added pictures like the messy paint, to show the messy thoughts in Rodney’s head. We added Halloween pictures and phrases to emphasise the Halloween and how it’s a theme that runs thought out our film. We tried to keep the vampires to a minimum.

Friday 25 September 2009



Cinematography is the camera positions and light choices made to fit the world of your film. There are many aspects that contribute to the art of cinematography. They are: Film Stock, The Lab, Filters, Lens (Focal Length and Diaphragm Aperture), Depth of field and Focus, Aspect ratio and framing, Lighting, Camera Movement.
A cinematographer is someone that works closely to the director to make sure that the artistic aesthetics is supporting the director’s vision of the story. Cinematographers make very creative and technical decisions from pre production to post production, which affects the overall feel and look of the film. Cinematographers have control over the camera and lighting that are being used. They also control the selection of lens focal lengths, aperture exposure and focus.

After watching Krzysztof Kieslowski analyze scenes from the 'Three Colors' trilogy I saw how difficult it is to express the art of cinema in films. Unlike photographers, they only have still shots to work with; cinematographers work with moving cameras which means to achieve anything have to look at every movement and how the camera captures the movement. Christopher Doyle said cinematographers have to research to be able to achieve anything. Christopher Doyle said that he goes to local places and sees what kind of things and people go on in that place at that time and that how he gets ideas to help him create his film.

Tuesday 22 September 2009

Name: Gabriel Vamping

Age: 26

Birthday: 31st October 1870
Lives: One Bedroom apartment in Limehouse.

Lives with: No one

Likes: Teaching
‘Queen of the Damn’-The book
His imitation of gothic painting-‘The Nightmare’
‘Twilight’-the film
Robert Gascoyne-Prime Minister from 1886-1892 and 1895-1902

Looks: Average looks
Fair skinned
Friendly face
Between average and tall height

Jobs: Mines in 1886
Farming Tractor Driver in 1890
Brought own land and had workers in 1894
Business man for food in 1904
Started teaching young children from 1912

Dislikes: Sunlight

Childhood: Tough Childhood. Father died of disease and Mother died at birth 8years after Vamping was born, baby brother died too. Now an only child he began to beg then went into the Mines. Late went to work in Farming Transport and managed to work his way up. At 26 years old he was awoken in the night by strange noises. He searched his house finding bloody under the kitchen door. When he opened it he found a strange being feeding on rats. The being was a Vampire and attacked Vamping. Since then he has been living alone moving from place to place hiding his true identity.

Dream: To find a female vampire without having to bite them.
Weakness: Accepting his past. Regrets what happened to him because of how it’s affecting his living circumstances.

Strengths: Energetic
Ability to stop and live a new life
Hiding behind a mask

Education: In the 20th Century-Barking College-GSCE
Havering College-A levels
UEL-Teaching Degree

Beliefs: Not hurting others for personal gain
Hard work

Values: Youth
Family which he never had

Speech: Changes through time

Daily Activity: Wakes up at 6am. Drives to work. Teaches his lesson and comes home to sleep. At midnight he visits slaughters houses. He kills the animal and stores its blood.

Name: Rodney Rickets

Age: 13

Birthday: 13th August 1996

Lives: 4 minutes away from school on an estate

Lives (with): Mother and Father. Both parents are over protective and smother him with love making him into a wimp. Mother is a housewife and Father is a nurse. Rodney is an only child.

Likes: Nintendo DS-Cooking Mama
Table Tennis
Ready Steady Cook
Pop Idol
Mum’s homemade Cottage Pie
Baking Short Bread
Visiting his Grandmother

Dislikes: Sweets
Football-he gets hit by the ball

Childhood: Perfect childhood. Goes Butlins every year.

Dream: Open his own Bakery called, ‘Rodney’s home made touch’.

Weakness: Very Gullible, values Friendship to much.

Strengths: Creative
Hard working

Education: Nursery-Tiny Tots
Primary-St Josephs
Secondary-Barking Abbey

Beliefs: Catholic
In telling the truth

Values: Family and quality time with them.

Speech: Well spoken

Daily Activity: Wakes up and 7am and makes breakfast which consists of a soft boiled egg and soldiers. Studies hard at school and has lunch with grandmother. Comes home and bakes a desert. Have dinner in the evening and Father tells Rodney his latest nursing stories. Goes to bed at 9pm.
Home Alone

The little boy in Home Alone gains enough confidence to fight away two bandits after been left alone in his house while his family have gone a Christmas holiday. The boy sets traps on the bandits eventually getting them arrested. We used this concept when Rodney gains confidence, after being thrown into the sandpit, and decides to take matters into his own hands by creating a plan to get Mr. Vamping.

The Goonies

Son of Rambow

Son of Rambow is about a little boy named will who agrees on being a stuntman for a boys, Lee Carter, home made films. Will is very vulnerable, coming from a family of strict parents who have not allowed him to experience the outside world. By becoming the Lee Carters stuntman becomes more aware of the world around him. Rodney is just like Will. Rodney have overprotective parents who love him very much, Rodney is very vulnerable and believes anything said to him. Lee carter is just like our character Danny. Danny knows Rodney is vulnerable and takes advantage that.

Moina the Vampire

Mona’s character is much like of Rodney. She and her friends are always trying to solve problems and defeat evil in their town. Mona and her friends are in a world of their own. Mona is determined to keep her town in order. She and her friends feel they have to be heroes since no one seems to understand Mona and her friends. This is just like our character Rodney, a little boy in a world of his own where no one else seems to understand. Rodney feels like he has to take matters into his own hands.

Kenan and Kel

Kenan and Kel is a comedy about two boys that seem to always get in some sort of dilemma. Their aim is to fix the dilemma before anyone finds out, but things never go to plan and always seem to find themselves in a bigger dilemma from the start. This is a like the storyline we have come up with, where Rodney is in a dilemma and tries to fix the situation but things don’t go to plan. Kenan and Kel also have a comedy theme in the programmed which is what we have chosen as one of our themes.

Van Helsing

Queen of the Damned

Van Helsing and Queen of the Damned are both films we have pick base on the gothic, vampires themes and also relates to our colour black. Using films like this gives us an idea of how vampires are portrayed.

Monday 21 September 2009

Pitch Powerpoint For Media
View more presentations from BBNaomi1.


* Good genre used-Comedy
* Look at film 'The Demon Headmaster'
* Add bits over the summer but not by random. Remember logical causality
* Need to create a good back story for RODNEY
* Look at mock horror effects
* Look at headline of teacher put in jail for trying to student
* Use different influences. (magazines, songs, tv, newspaper)
* Use self reference
* Class full of children-Cast issues-hard to find a lot of cast
* Good that it is not a predictable ending, good plot twist
* Themes are not typical
* Remember thematic unity

Thursday 17 September 2009

Feedback on First Storyborad

- we must show the relationship between Rodney and Danny before we get to the field
- the glass shots might not be effective but film it anyway
- keep Rodney’s childish behaviour throughout (constant)
- from shot 21 Rodney should still be moaning then you cut to the group with some kind of smug look on there faces as if they have planned something, then you see them grab him
- we should show the sandpit
- take pictures before and after the use of the sandpit
- have cutaway shots from sandpit to teachers in class then we see Rodney walk along
- have shots of teachers before Rodney comes along
- it doesn’t happen when Rodney comes but while he’s on the way and then as he comes we hear a certain part
- input lots of action – reaction
- is Rodney acting superhero like out of character
- add to Rodney’s character every time they discourage him, he should have some kind of reaction suggesting he doesn’t need them
- shot 32 has to be ended very well (show the new Rodney more in 32)
- show Rodney as trying to protect the class with his carrot stake and garlic chain ( reassuring them he will take care of it and deal with Mr Vamping)
- when Rodney walks in there should be more action – reaction of the class and Danny
- the friends could start to insult him
- shot so Danny can insult him one final time
- black out until Rodney is packing up
- we should hear the teacher starting and ending the lessons
- as he packs up the bell goes, have some kids leaving and Rodney give his last dialogue

Black Mood Board

My group was given the colour black and was told to find images and quotes that are related to the colour black.
I found images like Martin Luther King which represents black civil rights.
Black cats which is good in some countries and bad luck in others and stuff like the
Little black dress. I also added some song lyrics from artist like Amy Winehouse and Michael Jackson. I also had quotes from Billy Cosby.