Tuesday 22 September 2009

Home Alone

The little boy in Home Alone gains enough confidence to fight away two bandits after been left alone in his house while his family have gone a Christmas holiday. The boy sets traps on the bandits eventually getting them arrested. We used this concept when Rodney gains confidence, after being thrown into the sandpit, and decides to take matters into his own hands by creating a plan to get Mr. Vamping.

The Goonies

Son of Rambow

Son of Rambow is about a little boy named will who agrees on being a stuntman for a boys, Lee Carter, home made films. Will is very vulnerable, coming from a family of strict parents who have not allowed him to experience the outside world. By becoming the Lee Carters stuntman becomes more aware of the world around him. Rodney is just like Will. Rodney have overprotective parents who love him very much, Rodney is very vulnerable and believes anything said to him. Lee carter is just like our character Danny. Danny knows Rodney is vulnerable and takes advantage that.

Moina the Vampire

Mona’s character is much like of Rodney. She and her friends are always trying to solve problems and defeat evil in their town. Mona and her friends are in a world of their own. Mona is determined to keep her town in order. She and her friends feel they have to be heroes since no one seems to understand Mona and her friends. This is just like our character Rodney, a little boy in a world of his own where no one else seems to understand. Rodney feels like he has to take matters into his own hands.

Kenan and Kel

Kenan and Kel is a comedy about two boys that seem to always get in some sort of dilemma. Their aim is to fix the dilemma before anyone finds out, but things never go to plan and always seem to find themselves in a bigger dilemma from the start. This is a like the storyline we have come up with, where Rodney is in a dilemma and tries to fix the situation but things don’t go to plan. Kenan and Kel also have a comedy theme in the programmed which is what we have chosen as one of our themes.

Van Helsing

Queen of the Damned

Van Helsing and Queen of the Damned are both films we have pick base on the gothic, vampires themes and also relates to our colour black. Using films like this gives us an idea of how vampires are portrayed.

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