Sunday 22 November 2009

What is a film review?

I went on to Wikipedia and typed in “film review” and it gave me,

Film criticism is the analysis and evaluation of films, individually and collectively. In general, this can be divided into journalistic criticism that appears regularly in newspapers and other popular, mass-media outlets and academic criticism by film scholars that is informed by film theory and published in journals.

For our ancillary task we were told to do a film review for our film as if it was in a magazine. I went on to Google and researched some magazines that do film reviews.

Here are some magazines that do film reviews:

  • Vertigo magazine
  • Filmmaker magazine
  • Empire magazine
  • Time Out magazine
  • Total magazine
  • British film magazine
  • Film review magazine
  • Guardian Newspaper

Thursday 12 November 2009

My group had problems finding a tag line that wasn't to complected for our target group or that wasnt to "corny". here are some tag lines that we came up with:

-Not all teachers bite
-What if vampires were real
-Rodney bites back!
-Not your average Halloween

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Ideas for Our Poster

Photoshot for Film Poster

  • Looking tough
  • Fists up
  • Holding carrot stack
  • Geared up
  • School uniform
  • Spiky hair
  • Bright lighting

Group of boys

  • Standing together
  • School uniform messed up
  • Hats
  • Hoodies
  • Laughing/mocking Rodney
  • Darker lighting


  • Each boy has thier own shot
  • School uniform messed up
  • Hats
  • Hoodies
  • Laughing/mocking Rodney
  • Darker lighting

Monday 2 November 2009

Poster Analysis

Clueless a film set in the 90s about rich teenagers living in L.A.
There are no specific colours used in the posters but in two of them the main colour is pink suggesting that the movie is about young/teenaged girls. This also suggests the age group and sex the film is mainly aimed to be at teenaged girls, girl’s mostly still in high school. Because the TV series was so popular there are not many symbols. We can tell by the fashion of these three girls and the accessories they are holding that they where “richy” girls. Like many typical teenaged girls fashion and looking good/sexy is primary, from the posters we can see that they are into fashion and fashion plays a big part in their lives. In one of the posters they are all in front of a mirror putting on make up this also tells us what kind of girls this movie is about. All three of the girls all have mobile phones (at these times mobile phones were becoming very popular and not everyone had one) this is suggesting what kind of lives they live and their wealth. In three of the posters the girls are hold school books suggesting that are still in school. Clueless is writing with both upper and lower case letters, this emphasises on the word “clueless” because it’s almost like the person who write it was “clueless”. Because clueless means naïve the text really emphasises that.