Monday 14 December 2009

below is different feedback we got

feedback for editing

- a bit too prolonged
- try and make the boys walking towards him shorter
- add a few more cutaways
- have the voice over the shot
- scene 3 starts too soon
- pan in scene 3 is too long
- lose shot 43
- only show his shoe going into basket
- cut the pan in scene 3 down to when Rodney screams - then cut
- cut down on effects

Feedback on film

- titles are good
- had a bad actor
- Rodney made the film look bad
- the film was good
- portrayed comedy
- film didn't finish properly, could have finished better
- strong title sequence
- continuity problems
- if Rodney was shouting outside he would have been heard by the teachers

the first music we used in our film was not liked according to our feedback so we got different music

feedback on music

- music is too dramatic
- you should use more dramatic music
- music just stops dramatically
- music doesn't go with the action on screen

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