Monday 14 December 2009

Talk With Mr Edwards

Mr Edwards our Deputy Head talked to us before he gave us permission to shoot on school premises we had a few things we have to think about, take carer of and health and safety
Here are what he told us:

- make sure everything goes well
- stay out of the way of ongoing classes
- sympathize with the school
- ensure you leave equipment attended to
- keep an eye on clock
- pack up 10 minutes before the bell rings
- equipment can get damaged if your not focused
- don’t overlap lessons when filming
- be conscious of your surroundings ( people on free lessons, ambient sound)
- don’t block any drive through (hazard)
- make sure when filming after school everywhere is clear
- when filming after school you have to start from 15:05 onwards
- there are lots of after school clubs in the media block
- if there’s any problem ask for help
- be careful around the sandpit
- very dangerous
- sandpit may have animal waste be conscious of dirt

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