Monday 14 December 2009

Finding Cast
We needed a Rodney, Mr. Vamping, Danny, poesy and Mr. Drackson. We were told we can only use yr 7, 8, 9, 10, 12s in our film as cast. So we decided to use the youngest age group possible to play the extras. We wanted to use a year 7 or 8 but because year 7 and 8s are in a separate site from us it would be too difficult to keep up with them. So we changed it to a year 9s. We went on to the year 9 profile and searched for little boys that we thought would suit our description of Rodney. We got about 5 boys that that we thought fitted Rodney’s description. We did the same foe Danny and we got about 3 possible Danny’s. For Mr. vamping and Mr. Drackson we thought that since his an adult w wanted to make sure we get adult looking boys. We wanted to use years 13s but because we are not allowed me and Israel went looking for year 12s. We found about 6 boys that were possible Vampings and Dracksons. We spoke to everyone we fund and told them about our film and what we are looking for. We took their details so that we could contact them.

We told everyone to meet us at 3:00pm, at the media department but only two year 12s and 3 year 9s turned up. So we auditioned two of the boys we had picked out as a possible Rodney and gave the rest of the arts to the other people that turned up. At this point Mr. Vamping is played by Matt Prattland, Mr. Drackson is played Danny Peace and Danny is played by Charlie Langon. We auditioned Liam and Billy. I, Laura and Dunyia demonstrated how we wanted Rodney to act. We chose Liam to be our Rodney and Billy to be part of the possey.

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