Monday 14 December 2009

Final Answer for Question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

The feedback I got form my audience really helped me and my group make our film. Getting feedback is very vital when creating a film without feedback the film would not be successful. The audience’s feedbacks are the most reliable feedback, because the audience are who we are trying to target. I have learnt that anything the audience tell you to change most be changed, the audience knows best. We had a story and we pitched it to our teacher and our class mates, they liked the ideas and gave us some ideas what types of films we should watch and get ideas from to help us create our film. We went on to watching films like Son of Rambow, Home Alone and Goonies. This really helped us because we had a clear idea of what kind of genre our film would fall into. The characters in the films also reflected the kind of characters we had created for our film. This really helped us and gave us a sense of direction of which to follow to make our film a success. After we made a storyboard script we got told that our scenes we a bit random and that things didn’t really link, for example when we said that season would be during Halloween in the first scenes we never really mentioned Halloween in our script and then in our last scene Halloween just came up. We had to change that and to make the film have the right feel to the it, because the audience didn’t really know what to except or feel. This also happened in our ‘world of the film’ mood board we had to much of vampires and the little boy, we completed missed out the craziness of the boys life and how his in his own world. We gave in our first poster and received feedback we were told that our poster had too much going on and was a bit random but after, we changed it and made it less busy and focused on the main parts like the characters. From this I learnt that you don’t always have to give too much of the story away on your poster to sale your film.

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