Monday 14 December 2009

Final Answer for Question 4

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

The main source of the technology used was the internet. The internet helped us from the research to our evaluation stages. For my research I mainly used search engine sites like Google and Ask. I was told to I have the colour black and that colour is what I would use to make a story for my film. I went on to research different meanings, quotes, celebrations, fashion, lifestyle, cultures, etc. that all had a relation with colour black. Without sites like Google and Ask it would have been a lot more difficult to find out many of the information and collect all the images I did for my mood board. Without internet we would have had to go to libraries and researched for information in books and images would have been difficult to get. We looked also on the internet for taglines and headlines that would help us start off a story once again without the internet this would again have been difficult to get without the internet. YouTube help a lot in pre production, we used YouTube to watch little clips that gave us helpful tips on how to make the perfect short film. We got given a clip from YouTube on cinematography this help us with our ‘world of film’ mood board, that we created with our groups, which helped us see the art of our film. Without sites like YouTube, we would have had to buy films we needed to watch to help us create our films. This would have meant a lot of money and would have wasted a lot of time, but because of new technology it’s now possible to watch films on YouTube. We got to watch different films like La Haine and Dogville so that we had different ideas of directing and story writing techniques. We watched them on a DVD using the computer in our classroom; thanks to the new advance computers we were able to watch films at school. We also used the projectors at school so that it would be much easier for all of us to watch the film in class. I used Microsoft Word to do my feedback, research, script, treatment, pitch, props list, cast list, location recce, costume list and evaluation. I also used Microsoft PowerPoint, to do some of my work like photo storyboard and other presentation. I had to do a lot of presentations so that I could use share slide, a website that allows you to share your presentations on the internet. To keep all my work in one place and for other people to see my work for feedback I created a blog on This has become very useful and has made it a lot easier for me to get feedback from both my teacher and the other students in the class. Because I am familiar with blog like sites (Piczo, MySpace and Facebook) Blogging is easier to me. This is where share slide has come into good use because it has allowed me to show my work in a more advance, entertaining way. Unlike last year we got to use new sound equipment. This made production much better. It allowed us to have a clearer sound on our film, because the microphone it so advanced it allowed us to pick up any noise that we can’t hear with the human ear. In our rehearsals, auditions and photo shoots we used a digital camera that helped us show the progress and evidence of our work. It allowed us to actually show the work we did in stead of just writing about all the work. Duniya used Photoshop to create our posters allowing them to look professional. Without paint we have had to paint, paint hasn’t got the capability to do what Photoshop does. I used Microsoft Publisher, to create our film review; this made the review look legit and professional. Because of new media technologies portability is available. We can access and update our bogs anytime, anywhere. We are able to contact each easier because of new media technologies, with chat sites like msn this gives us big advantages to get work done without having to met up. Thanks to Digital technologies it’s much easier for people to make films, anyone can do it. Film cameras have become small and easier to work. We no longer have to use film camera and take reels of film to get developed, no we have portable cameras, digital cameras, mobile phones. Editing software’s can now be uploaded on to our computers now and used from home. It’s no longer just big production companies that can create films. Back again to websites like YouTube you can post on the videos that you create at home and show people and get different feedback from many different people. Companies like adobe have contributed to this development in new media technologies by creating software’s like Photoshop and premier.

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