Sunday 13 December 2009

We were each given a role to do when we shot our film and I was given the role of sound.
Our teacher set up a workshop for us, so that we know how to use a microphone and what part sound plays on set. Here are some of the notes i made while at the workshop:

Three essential ingredients:
• The human voice
• Sound effect
• Music

The human voice
• Dialogue – to tell the story and express
• Feelings – stay why you don’t use a lot of dialogue.
Sound effects
• Synchronous sound
• Background music is used to add emotion and rhythm to a film
• Location sound for video

Check list
• Boom sehnheiser 1
• Headphones
• Extend boom poll (x 3)
• XLR lead to camera
• Microphone
• Test sound before we record
• Menu – auto set up – XLR – on/off

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