Monday 14 December 2009

Final Answer for Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

After making a film you bring out the poster first for the audience to see, this is your first chance to sale your film to the audience. Our posters show the good parts of the film, it has a line from the film that sums up our film, its shows all the main characters. The main character Rodney is in the foreground of the poster this is suggesting that he is the major focus of the film. In the poster we have some of the bullies in the background, by their facial expressions it gives the audience the impression that the boys are not found of Rodney. On the top of most of the posters we have Mr. Vamping. His facial expression gives the audience the impression that he is the vampire of the film. We used the same costumes from the film this gives the audience a taste of film. The costumes of Rodney and the boys are their school uniform. This to the audience suggests the age of the characters and also what age group the film will appeal to. We use dark colours on the posters to hep set the mode of the film. Because our film is about a vampire and Halloween we wanted to give the poster a scary feel to get the audience ready for the film. Our poster helps promote our film because of the way we have used all the themes of the films. I do personally believe that our poster could have a bit more work done on it to show more of what our film was about. It had every aspect of our film on the poster but everything on the poster was just randomly placed and on and there was not enough structure to the poster. The film itself reflects what the poster showed and what would be accepted for the genre of the film. Our review helps the films and the poster by explaining what kind of film/genre the audience are going to see. The review could have help make or break our film, depending on how the review is written and what is said about the film.

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